Needle Cast Treatments

Prevent the spread of needle cast disease by protecting unaffected needles with fungicide applications.

Protect your spruce trees in Wixom, Oakland County, MI

Protect Your Spruce Trees

Give your spruce trees special protection with fungicide applications specifically to prevent needle cast disease. Effective prevention requires treatments, properly spacing trees, watering regularly, and fertilization. With over 80 years of experience in the tree care industry, we are passionate about bringing your trees and plantings back to stellar health.

Needle cast treatments in Wixom, Oakland County, MI

Why You Might Need Needle Cast Treatments

If you think your spruce trees may be affected by needle cast disease (Rhizosphaera), we can help. Some symptoms you may notice include:

  • Brown, red, or purple at the tips of the needles

  • Spreading discoloration that begins in the late winter or early spring and is advanced by spring or summer

  • Needles have died and fallen off

  • Rows of tiny black dots on the needles

  • Lower branches showing signs of damage

Have Questions About Needle Cast Disease?

Complete the form below with your contact information and your questions, and we’ll be in touch.

Trunk & Soil Injections

Ready to support the health of your trees and plantings with trunk and soil injections? We can help.

Disclaimer: Tree and planting healthcare is a long-term investment. The time it takes to see results varies based on the unique needs of your trees and plantings and on the conditions of your property. It generally takes a full year to achieve visible results, such as improved foliage density, flowering, and overall vigor.